‘Abd ar-Raḥīm al-Bura‘ī

Yā Imām ar-Rusli (Qasaman bin-Najmi)

Masjid al-Aqsa on the Temple Mount, Jerusalem, where the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ led all the prophets in prayer.

Note: This hymn contains istighātha.

Yā Imām ar-Rusli (يا إمام الرسل), “O Leader of the Messengers”, or Qasaman bin-Najmi (قسماً بالنجم), “I Swear by the Star”, is a madih (a qasida in praise of the Prophet ﷺ) written by the great Sudanese Sufi shaykh ‘Abd ar-Raḥīm al-Bura‘ī. It is popular throughout the Arab world. The opening verse invokes the first words of Surat an-Najm, and goes on to describe true health as ridding oneself of everything else and being a sincere lover of the Prophet ﷺ. The rest of the poem extolls the greatness and beauty of the Prophet ﷺ, verse 4 referencing this couplet by the Companion Ḥassān ibn Thābit. The poem culminates in an ecstatic recollection of the Prophet’s Ascension (Mi‘rāj). The chorus is actually taken from an earlier qasida by the Iraqi shaykh Sayyid Bahā’uddīn ar-Rawwās.

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— اللازمة —

– 1 –

– 2 –

– 3 –

– 4 –

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– 6 –


Yaa imaamar–rusli yaa sanadee
anta baabullaahi mu‘tamadee
Fa bidunyaaya wa aakhiratee
yaa rasoolallaahi khudh biyadee

Qasaman bin–najmi ḥeena hawaa
mal–mu‘aafaa was–saqeemu sawaa
Fakhla‘il–kawnayni ‘anka siwaa
ḥubbi mawlal–‘urbi wal–‘ajami

Sayyidus–saadaati min Muḍarin
gawthu ahlil–badwi wal–ḥaḍari
Ṣaaḥibul–aayaati was–suwari
manba‘ul–aḥkaami wal–ḥikami

Qamarun ṭaabat sareeratuhu
wasajaayaahu wa seeratuhu
Ṣafwatul–baaree wa kheeratuhu
‘adlu ahlil–ḥilli wal–ḥarami

Maa ra’at ‘aynee wa laysa taraa
mithla Ṭaahaa fil–waraa basharaa
Khayru man fawqath–tharaa atharaa
ṭaahirul–akhlaaqi wash–shiyami

Jaawazas–sab‘aṭ–ṭibaaqa ilaa
qaaba qawsaynistamarra ‘ulaa
Wa aḥaalat·hul–ḥuẓooẓu ‘alaa
sirri ‘ilmil–lawḥi wal-qalami

Naala ‘indallaahi mawhibatan
li-‘aẓeemil–faḍli mawjibatan
Yaa a‘azzan–naasi martabatan
‘ud bi-faḍlil–joodi wal–karami


O Leader of the Messengers, my support!
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my worldly life and in my hereafter,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand!

I swear by the star when it fades,
Good health and sickness are not alike!
So be rid of everything of both worlds,
Save for love of the lord of the Arabs and all other peoples.

He is the master of masters, from the tribe of Muḍar,
Deliverer from distress for the people of the desert and of the city,
The one who received Divine verses and suras,
The well-spring of sacred law and wisdom.

A shining moon! With a wholesome heart,
Wholesome character, and a wholesome way.
The purest and most select of all people,
The most just in permitting right and prohibiting wrong.

No eye has ever beheld, nor ever will,
Another human being the like of Ta Ha,
The best of those who have walked the earth,
The purest in virtues and disposition.

He surpassed the seven firmaments, unto
Two bows’ length and beyond!
Fortune favoured him with
The secret knowledge of the Heavenly Tablet and Primordial Pen.

In intimate communion with Allah he received a gift,
Procuring the Greatest Grace.
O loftiest of all humanity in rank,
Grant us (your help and intercession) out of your generosity and kindness!

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– chorus –

Yaa imaamar–rusli yaa sanadee
anta baabullaahi mu‘tamadee
Fa bidunyaaya wa aakhiratee
yaa rasoolallaahi khudh biyadee

O Leader of the Messengers, my support!
You are the door to Allah, the one on whom I rely.
In this my worldly life and in my hereafter,
O Messenger of Allah, take me by my hand!

– 1 –

Qasaman bin–najmi ḥeena hawaa
mal–mu‘aafaa was–saqeemu sawaa
Fakhla‘il–kawnayni ‘anka siwaa
ḥubbi mawlal–‘urbi wal–‘ajami

I swear by the star when it fades,
Good health and sickness are not alike!
So be rid of everything of both worlds,
Save for love of the lord of the Arabs and all other peoples.

– 2 –

Sayyidus–saadaati min Muḍarin
gawthu ahlil–badwi wal–ḥaḍari
Ṣaaḥibul–aayaati was–suwari
manba‘ul–aḥkaami wal–ḥikami

He is the master of masters, from the tribe of Muḍar,
Deliverer from distress for the people of the desert and of the city,
The one who received Divine verses and suras,
The well-spring of sacred law and wisdom.

– 3 –

Qamarun ṭaabat sareeratuhu
wasajaayaahu wa seeratuhu
Ṣafwatul–baaree wa kheeratuhu
‘adlu ahlil–ḥilli wal–ḥarami

A shining moon! With a wholesome heart,
Wholesome character, and a wholesome way.
The purest and most select of all people,
The most just in permitting right and prohibiting wrong.

– 4 –

Maa ra’at ‘aynee wa laysa taraa
mithla Ṭaahaa fil–waraa basharaa
Khayru man fawqath–tharaa atharaa
ṭaahirul–akhlaaqi wash–shiyami

No eye has ever beheld, nor ever will,
Another human being the like of Ta Ha,
The best of those who have walked the earth,
The purest in virtues and disposition.

– 5 –

Jaawazas–sab‘aṭ–ṭibaaqa ilaa
qaaba qawsaynistamarra ‘ulaa
Wa aḥaalat·hul–ḥuẓooẓu ‘alaa
sirri ‘ilmil–lawḥi wal-qalami

He surpassed the seven firmaments, unto
Two bows’ length and beyond!
Fortune favoured him with
The secret knowledge of the Heavenly Tablet and Primordial Pen.

– 6 –

Naala ‘indallaahi mawhibatan
li-‘aẓeemil–faḍli mawjibatan
Yaa a‘azzan–naasi martabatan
‘ud bi-faḍlil–joodi wal–karami

In intimate communion with Allah he received a gift,
Procuring the Greatest Grace.
O loftiest of all humanity in rank,
Grant us (your help and intercession) out of your generosity and kindness!

Audio Samples

Salah Hanoun 🥁
Adel Brothers 🥁
Haqqani Ensemble 🥁

Al-Ihya' Maulid Ensemble 🥁


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