Request a Hymn

Missing your favourite qasida, nasheed, or poem on
Use the comments section below to suggest an addition to the site!

Below are listed the poems that have been suggested so far.


  • the Burda
  • Bushrā Lanā
  • the Ghawthiyya
  • Qad Kafānī
  • Qamarun
  • aṣ-Ṣalāt al-Badriyya (Ṣalātu Llāh, Salāmu Llāh)
  • poems from Imam al-Shāfi‘ī’s Dīwān



  1. Ali

    Allah bless you for this amazing website. Could you please add Qad Kafani by Imam Haddad?

  2. Husna

    Could you add Mawlaya

  3. Would love if this Qasida by Yunus Emre would also be added:

    “The silver streams of paradise, they flow and sing Allah Allah,
    The nightingales of faith arise and sing aloud Allah Allah,

    With faces brighter than the moon, With voices sweet they all commune,
    the heavenly maidens sing this tune SubhanAllah! Allah Allah,

    There is eating and there is drinking there, with angel mercies everywhere, Idris his prophet robes shall wear,
    and All shall sing Allah Allah,

    The angels of Allah all raise their voices with His endless praise, tasbih and Alhamd and shukr always,
    So sing with them Allah Allah,

    Yunus Emre has this to say, We’ll meet together on that day, where somber sing and fountains play , So sing with me Allah Allah !
    [Yunus Emre]

  4. Mohammad Nasir Niazi

    Assalam o Allaikum,
    Can you please add Basharalana
    بشر لنا
    Abu haleema

  5. ALHAN

    Mabrook for successfully creating this site. It really is going to be patronize in the coming years, in shaa allaah. “Salaatullah” was also popular at the time of tala’al badru ‘alayna discussing the relationship of Allaah to his slaves. Hope you can add it to your list.

  6. Nilo

    Amazing work, everything is really well made and easy to understand. This website creates a platform for students of Islam to learn about The love for the holy Prophet ﷺ. This is very important nowadays. MashAllah. May Allah reward you-
    I would just like to request the Moroccan qasida Bushra lana, Qasida Burda shareef, and Qasida Gawthiya.

  7. Mir Mirani

    Please add some poems from Imam Shafi’i’s Diwan.

  8. Kate

    Assalamu alaykum, jazakumAllah khair for your fantastic work! It is a beautiful site and the translation, transliteration, and audio samples are absolutely wonderful, mashaAllah! Would you be willing to do qawwalis as well? I know they have all kinds of instruments, but the language is quite difficult for non-native speakers so a translation and transliteration would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Wajahat Khan

    Asalamualaikum. Great site. Lot of potential here Mashallah. Please add QAMARUN

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