Yā Nafsu in Lam Taẓfarī (يا نفس إن لم تظفري) is a qasida written by the 19th-century saint and scholar Habib ‘Alī al-Ḥabashī of Haḍramawt, Yemen. In it, the author reprimands his own soul (nafs), rousing it from heedlessness and despair, and calling it to patience, contentment and trust in God. The poem has been expertly rendered into English by Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad, retaining both metre and rhyme.

Yaa nafsu in lam taẓfaree laa tajza‘ee
wa-ilaa mawaa’idi joodi Mawlaaki hra‘ee
Wa-idhaa ta’akhkhara maṭlabun fa-larubbamaa
fee dhaalikat–ta’kheeri kullul–maṭma‘ee
Wasta’nisee bil–man‘i war‘ee ḥaqqahoo
innar–riḍaa waṣful–muneebil–alma‘ee
Wa-idhaa badaa min naaṭiqil–wijdaani maa
yad‘ooki lil–ya’sidh–dhameemil–ashna‘ee
Fasṭayqiẓee min nawmatil–ghafalaati wal–
yakunir rajaa laki marta‘an feehi rta‘ee
Innal ‘aṭaa imdaaduhu mutanawwi‘un
yaa ḥusna haadhaakal–‘aṭal–mutanawwi‘ee
Waradoo ilaa nahril–ḥayaati wa kulluhum
shariboo wa kam fir–rakbi min mutaḍalli‘ee
Ḥaashal–Kareemu yarudduhum ‘aṭshan wa qad
waradoo wa aṣlul–joodi min dhal–manba‘ee
Yaa Rabbi lee ẓannun jameelun waafirun
qaddamtuhu amshee bihi yas‘aa ma‘ee
Kullul–ladhee yarjoona faḍlaka umṭiroo
ḥaashaaka an yabqaa hasheeman marba‘ee
Thummaṣ–ṣalaatu ‘alal–ḥabeebi Muḥammadin
sababil–qawiyyi ilal–maqaamil–arfa‘ee
Huwa ‘iṣmatee huwa ‘urwatee fastamsikee
yaa nafsu bil–majdil–‘aẓeemil–amna‘ee
English Rendition (A.H. Murad)
Should you not gain your wants, my soul, then be not grieved;
But hasten to that banquet which your Lord’s bequeathed.
And when a thing for which you ask is slow to come,
Then know that often through delay are gifts received.
Find solace in privation and respect its due,
For only by contentment is the heart relieved.
And know that when the trials of life have rendered you
Despairing of all hope, and of all joy bereaved,
Then shake yourself and rouse yourself from heedlessness,
And make pure hope a meadow that you never leave.
Your Maker’s gifts take subtle and uncounted forms.
How fine the fabric of the world His hands have weaved.
The journey done, they came to the water of life,
And all the caravan drank deep, their thirst alleved.
Far be it from the Host to leave them thirsty there,
His spring pours forth all generosity received.
My Lord, my trust in all Your purposes is strong,
That trust is now my shield; I’m safe, and undeceived.
All those who hope for grace from You will feel Your rain;
Too generous are You to leave my branch unleaved.
May blessings rest upon the loved one, Muhammad,
Who’s been my means to high degrees since I believed.
He is my fortress and my handhold, so my soul,
Hold fast, and travel to a joy still unconceived.
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yaa nafsu in lam taẓfaree laa tajza‘ee
wa-ilaa mawaa’idi joodi Mawlaaki hra‘ee
wa-idhaa ta’akhkhara maṭlabun fa-larubbamaa
fee dhaalikat–ta’kheeri kullul–maṭma‘ee
Should you not gain your wants, my soul, then be not grieved;
But hasten to that banquet which your Lord’s bequeathed.
And when a thing for which you ask is slow to come,
Then know that often through delay are gifts received.
– 2 –
wasta’nisee bil–man‘i war‘ee ḥaqqahoo
innar–riḍaa waṣful–muneebil–alma‘ee
wa-idhaa badaa min naaṭiqil–wijdaani maa
yad‘ooki lil–ya’sidh–dhameemil–ashna‘ee
Find solace in privation and respect its due,
For only by contentment is the heart relieved.
And know that when the trials of life have rendered you
Despairing of all hope, and of all joy bereaved,
– 3 –
fasṭayqiẓee min nawmatil–ghafalaati wal–
yakunir rajaa laki marta‘an feehi rta‘ee
innal ‘aṭaa imdaaduhu mutanawwi‘un
yaa ḥusna haadhaakal–‘aṭal–mutanawwi‘ee
Then shake yourself and rouse yourself from heedlessness,
And make pure hope a meadow that you never leave.
Your Maker’s gifts take subtle and uncounted forms.
How fine the fabric of the world His hands have weaved.
– 4 –
waradoo ilaa nahril–ḥayaati wa kulluhum
shariboo wa kam fir–rakbi min mutaḍalli‘ee
ḥaashal–Kareemu yarudduhum ‘aṭshan wa qad
waradoo wa aṣlul–joodi min dhal–manba‘ee
The journey done, they came to the water of life,
And all the caravan drank deep, their thirst alleved.
Far be it from the Host to leave them thirsty there,
His spring pours forth all generosity received.
– 5 –
yaa Rabbi lee ẓannun jameelun waafirun
qaddamtuhu amshee bihi yas‘aa ma‘ee
kullul–ladhee yarjoona faḍlaka umṭiroo
ḥaashaaka an yabqaa hasheeman marba‘ee
My Lord, my trust in all Your purposes is strong,
That trust is now my shield; I’m safe, and undeceived.
All those who hope for grace from You will feel Your rain;
Too generous are You to leave my branch unleaved.
– 6 –
thummaṣ–ṣalaatu ‘alal–ḥabeebi Muḥammadin
sababil–qawiyyi ilal–maqaamil–arfa‘ee
huwa ‘iṣmatee huwa ‘urwatee fastamsikee
yaa nafsu bil–majdil–‘aẓeemil–amna‘ee
May blessings rest upon the loved one, Muhammad,
Who’s been my means to high degrees since I believed.
He is my fortress and my handhold, so my soul,
Hold fast, and travel to a joy still unconceived.
Audio Samples
Ahmed Saad al-Azhari (Arabic)
Abdal Hakim Murad (Arabic)
Muhammad Attas al-Habshi (Arabic)
Rakan Jabr (Arabic)
Abdurrahman Al Muqit (Arabic)
Omar Mahmood (English)
Omar Mahmood (Arabic & English)
Aaron Haroon Sellars (English) 🎶
Do you have any suggestions or corrections regarding the lyrics, description or categories for this hymn? Or would you like to share a reflection?
Feel free to comment below.
Zalifah Rozalina Azman Aziz
The poetry, O’ my soul soothed my Weltschmerz today. Was feeling weary of the world, that sense of having to always strive and strive, despite having reached middle age. Tomorrow is my beloved darling first born son’s graduation in Australia, yet the Australian Immigration denied my ETA application to be with my boy. Never had that problem of travelling to AUS before.
Found this poetry, and that tinge of hope returned. Thank you, bless you.
Dear Zalifah,
I pray you and your son are well. Thank you for this very touching reflection. Sorry that you could not attend your son’s graduation in Australia. But it is very heart-warming to hear that this poem gave you such solace at that difficult time.
Actually, it was this comment of yours that gave me the impetus to begin working on this website again, and start adding more poems and songs on a regular basis. Thank you! Allah bless you.